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University of Applied Sciences Fulda
Within its sub-project, the University of Applied Sciences Fulda investigates the medical care provision in relation to abortion. Thereby, structural aspects of care provision are just as important as the regional distribution of care provision, the methods used, or the pre- and post-abortion care services. The reasons for differences in care are also examined. Patterns of interrelatedness of influencing factors, such as attitudes towards unwanted pregnancies and abortions, and health care services will be analyzed. For this purpose, structural data will be collected and evaluated on the one hand, and physicians will be interviewed on the other hand. In addition, care provision will be surveyed from the perspective of women who decide to have an abortion.
Prof. Dr. Daphne Hahn
Prof. Dr. Daphne Hahn, Professor of Health Sciences and Empirical Social Research, Director of the PhD Center Public Health. Main research interests: Sociological and public health perspectives on health and health inequalities, women's and gender studies, quantitative and qualitative methods of social research (mixed methods, participatory approaches), sexual and reproductive health and rights, biopolitics.
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Busch
Project consulting
Ulrike Busch, Prof. Dr. phil., was a professor of family planning at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences in research and teaching until 2018. Thematic focus of her work was and is, among others, sociological aspects of family planning, unwanted pregnancy and abortion, counseling in the context of pregnancy and abortion, confidential birth and teenage pregnancy. She facilitate the ELSA project as an advisor and networker.
Dr. med. Ines Thonke (M. Sc.)
Research Associate
Dr. Ines Thonke, M. Sc. Public Health is a physician and has been working on a range of topics related to sexual and reproductive health and rights for many years. She is particularly interested in evidence-based quality and care standards and social inequalities in health.
Rona Torenz (M. A., M. A.)
Research Associate
Rona Torenz, Magistra Gender Studies/Philosophy, M.A. Applied Sexology, joined Fulda University in 2020. Her focus is on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and feminist theories of autonomy, power, and female subjectification.
Dr. med. dent. Anke Wyrobisch-Krüger (M. Sc.)
Research Associate
Dr. Anke Wyrobisch-Krüger, M.Sc. Public Health, has been working in research at the University of Applied Sciences Fulda since 2020. Her focus is on (dental) medicine, health research and health promotion, especially women's health research.
Laura Kurth (B. Sc.)
Student assistant
Ehemalige MItarbeiter*innen
Dr. Sarah Eckardt
Research Associate
Dr. phil. Sarah Eckardt, graduate sociologist, has been working in research at the University of Applied Sciences Fulda since 2021. Thematic foci of her work are sociology of birth, reproductive health and qualitative social research.
Renzo Galarza (B. Sc.)
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lita Herzig (M. Sc.)
Research Associate
Lita Herzig, M. Sc. Public Health, returned to University of Applied Sciences Fulda in 2008 after a longer interruption. Her research interests in women's health have so far been related to sexualized violence and domestic violence, as well as teaching in the midwifery program on health promotion for women and families.
Maria Schneider (M. Sc.)
Research Associate
Maria Schneider, B. Sc. Hebamme und M. Sc. Public Health, ist seit 2020 als studentische und seit 2023 als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Hochschule Fulda in der Forschung tätig. Ihre Forschungsinteressen sind sexuelle und reproduktive Gesundheit.
Heike Vollmer (M. Sc.)
Research Associate
Heike Vollmer, M. Sc. Public Health, has been working in research and teaching at the University of Applied Sciences Fulda since 2017. The thematic focus of her work is social inequality of health opportunities, participatory research, sexual and reproductive health, and geriatric health.
Nina Welsch (M. Sc.)
Research Associate
Heike Vollmer, M. Sc. Public Health, has been working in research and teaching at the University of Applied Sciences Fulda since 2017. The thematic focus of her work is social inequality of health opportunities, participatory research, sexual and reproductive health, and geriatric health.
Verena Mörath (M.A.)
External interviewer
Verena Mörath, M.A. of Ethnology, Latin American Studies and Publicist, Diploma in Cultural and Media Studies. Freelance writer and social scientist for over 30 years, focusing on social issues, care, migration and flight. Has been working on sexual and reproductive rights and health since 2007. She currently works as a research associate at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences in Berlin.
Sabrina Kruse (B. Sc.)
Student assistant
Sabrina Kruse, B. Sc. Gesundheitsförderung, ist Masterstudentin in Public Health und seit 2021 als studentische Mitarbeiterin an der Hochschule Fulda in der Forschung tätig. Ihr besonderes Interesse gilt der gesundheitlichen Chancengleichheit und der sexuellen und reproduktiven Gesundheit.
Francine Molnár
Student assistant
Francine Molnár is a 2019 Bachelor student in the B. Sc. International Health Sciences at Fulda University of Applied Sciences with a focus on health promotion. Her main areas of interest are reproductive and sexual health, especially pregnancy and menstruation, and health equity.
Anna-Lena Völker (B. Sc.)
Student assistant
Anna-Lena Völker, B. Sc. Gesundheitsförderung, ist Studierende im Masterstudiengang Public Health und seit 2023 als studentische Hilfskraft an der Hochschule Fulda tätig.
Trang Tran
Student assistant
Trang Tran, ist Studierende im B.Sc. Gesundheitstechnik, und seit 2023 als studentische Hilfskraft an der Hochschule Fulda tätig.