Merseburg University
Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, an East German location within the overall network, investigates psychosocial care provision for unintentionally pregnant women nationwide. The sub-project focuses on structures, actions and experiences of professional individual and collective actors in the field of psychosocial care and counseling to frame the individual experiences and the life of unintentionally pregnant women.
For this purpose, firstly, offers and structures are recorded and systematically presented by means of exploratory expert interviews and an online survey. Secondly, digital information for unintentionally pregnant women is recorded and evaluated, and thirdly, the obtained findings are analyzed and evaluated with the help of experts.
Prof. Dr. Maika Böhm
Maika Böhm, Dipl. Soz.päd., MA Gender and Work, Dr. phil, has been working at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences since 2018 as a professor in sexual science and family planning and is head of the Master's program Applied Sexual Science. Her teaching and research interests are digital media and sexuality; sexual and gender diversity; pregnancy, family planning, reproductive self-determination.
Eva Kubitza (M.A.)
Eva Kubitza (St.Ex. Elementary School Teacher, M.A. Applied Sexology), researches and teaches at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences since 2021. The focus of her work in the ELSA subproject is on digital information for unintentionally pregnant women seeking advice.
Judit Baer (M.A.)
Judit Baer (M.A. Angewandte Sexualwissenschaft; M.A. Theaterwissenschaft) forscht seit 2020 an der Hochschule Merseburg zu geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt und Diskriminierung und ist in der sexuellen Bildung tätig. Im ELSA-Teilprojekt liegt ihr Fokus auf den Erfahrungen und Einschätzungen von Fachkräften in der Schwangerschafts(konflikt)beratung.