16. April 2024

Aktuelle Berichterstattung zur Abschlusstagung am 10.04.2024

Die zentralen Ergebnisse aller Teilprojekte der ELSA-Studie wurden am 10.04.2024 online der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl der aktuellen Berichterstattung.

1. Juli 2023

Schwangerschaftsabbruch: Wie Daten Frauen helfen können

In Deutschland läuft eine große Studie zu Abtreibungen. Es gibt einen Grund, mehr darüber in Erfahrung bringen zu wollen: die Versorgung ungewollt Schwangerer zu verbessern. Ein Gastkommentar unserer Projektkoordinatorin Prof Dr. Daphne Hahn in der österreichischen Tageszeitung Der Standard.

July 27, 2022

Missing data, fewer offers

Across Germany, the number of doctors performing abortions is declining, SWR radio reported on June 24. For example, the number of doctors' offices, surgery centers and clinics performing the procedure is said to have halved over the past 20 years. This indicates deteriorating health care for unintentionally pregnant women.

February 9, 2022

In few countries in Europe is abortion more strictly regulated than in Germany

Currently, the abolition of Section 219a, which provides for a ban on advertising abortions, is being discussed again. A corresponding bill from the Federal Ministry of Justice has been available for a few days.

The German Medical Journal (DÄ) spoke with Daphne Hahn, health scientist at Fulda University of Applied Sciences and responsible for the study, about the current study.

July 5, 2021

Announcement of the ELSA study in the Gyne newsletter.

The Gyne Newsletter is published fortnightly and is aimed at gynecological specialists (approx. 3,259 subscribers) in clinics and practices.

The ELSA project - "Experiences and life situations of unintentionally pregnant women".

The idea of a "Spahn study" on the psychological consequences of abortion, which was vehemently criticized at the end of 2018, has given rise to a study design of a research network, the results of which will be of great interest for the work of pregnancy counseling centers.

Abortion study

Jens Spahn's ministry is funding a study on unwanted pregnancies. The research design raises hopes for real insights.